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Dimentions: 21 x 25


Lazy man fishing is what my dad used to call Walleye fishing. He was not wrong. It is the most laid back fishing I know. You find your drop off, set up a trolling motor of windsock to drift you along that drop off, hook up a minnow,leech or my favorite Mister Twister on a bright jig head and just bounce it along the bottom. Eventhough fishing for Walleye is simple, it takes a while to get down the hook set while jigging for them. 

Walleye have such a soft take you normally down even feel a thump. The line just stops for a split second and if you do not set that hook you missed him. I beleive walleye fishing helped me a lot in understanding how to catch fish with soft takes.

Dwellers At Dawn

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